Have you seen the radical changes in people using those famous “ear seeds” or auriculotherapy but don’t know how it works or what it is? Read this blog, and we’ll tell you everything behind this marvel! 1. What is it? Auriculotherapy is an alternative medicine technique based on stimulating specific points on the outer ear […]
In this blog, we’ll explore the relationship between nutrition and auriculotherapy and how a proper diet can maximize the benefits of this technique. As a reminder, auriculotherapy is an alternative medicine technique that involves stimulating specific points on the ear to treat various health conditions. It has gained recognition for its potential benefits to physical […]
According to many health professionals, any of us is perfectly capable to lose weight, the real problem resides on keeping it off for good. So, if you’ve been dieting over and over but haven’t been able to lose or to maintain the weight you’ve achieved, it’s very probably that you’re storing body fat as an […]
Following “green”, “organic”, or gluten-free diets has become a trendy lifestyle in the last years. However, stores are packed with products wearing all kinds of confusing terms in their labels. That’s why we embarked on the task of finding out the meaning of these terms and help you understand them better. Organic Organic food is […]